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Found 2361 results for any of the keywords ministries international. Time 0.007 seconds.
The Overcomers Evangelical Ministries InternationalThe Overcomers Evangelical Ministries International is a drama/film ministry; the ministry was established in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria on the 3rd of May 1996 by Evangelist Toyin Eso-Fatunsin. The ministry headquarters
Bethel Ministries International - missions - WelcomeWheelchair Mission in Guatemala! Sponsor a child
Holy Fire Ministries Int’l | Holy Fire MinistriesIn our upcoming Fall Holy Ghost Forum, we will be licensing and/or ordaining our first small batch of ministers who have expressed interest in being a part of our worldwide global network.
Dr. Donald J. Gibson PhD President and founder of Chaplain FellowshipChaplain Fellowship Ministries christian chaplain and minister legally licensed and ordained with certification and ecclesiastical endorsement for chaplains and ministers adds credibility as ordained members of the clerg
Chaplain Fellowship Ministries training videos and slide showsChaplain Fellowship Ministries training and information videos and slide shows on law enforcement disaster response crisis response emergency services and grief and dying
Tom Scarrella MinistriesScarrella Ministries is a revival driven evangelistic ministry with a strong emphasis on healings and miracles. Apostolic in nature, TSMs passion is to bring change, an equipping and a setting ablaze of the local church
Ministries By Name -
How to Contact Insight for Living Ministries - Insight for Living MHow to Contact Insight for Living Ministries
CAMENETI MINISTRIES | International Event Speaking | Bible Colleges |Welcome to Cameneti Ministries website! We're Tony and Patsy and for over thirty years, we've been teaching and preaching about the goodness of God and mankind’s total redemption accomplished through Jesus. Our ministry
Forward In Faith Ministries International - FIFMI (ZAOGA)Founded by Archbishop Ezekiel Guti, Forward in Faith (FIFMI) is a worldwide ministry reaching the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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